Configurable VMECA Magic Gripper | Simmatic

The configurable VMECA Magic Gripper is an important vacuum handling device that uses compressed air accelerated across multiple stages to take a positive pressure and create a negative one, vacuum. Following which, the vacuum evaluates the small area between the generator and cup face.

The integral cup makes the seal on the work piece or product to create the hold. When it grips, the work piece is transferred via the robot or automation equipment. The gripper is configurable, so that the size of body (therefore the size of vacuum flow) can be increased and decreased as needed.

Did you know?…

Made with Eco-Friendly Materials

Simmatic’s Magic Gripper is made with eco-friendly materials. It can be redeployed onto different machinery rather than scrapped and when that’s not possible…
A recent study found that 95% of the materials used to produce the Magic Gripper are recyclable, so if a machine or robot reaches obsolescence you can be certain of the end of life impact of the gripper is minimal.

Vacuum Gallery
Simmatic Automation Specialists
Handles Food Directly

The Magic Gripper can be used to handle food directly, the packet or container the food goes into, the box or ingredient containers, or the boxes the packets are loaded into for the outlet. Anyone creating food in bulk could use this as part of an automated process.


Simplifies and Economises

The Magic Gripper is a unique item that simplifies and economises an end of arm tool (EOAT) solution to exactly what is needed, eliminating waste created in industry by over or under specification of vacuum handling equipment.